Norske Skog Paper Mill Boyer Tasmania

Paul Redding Industrial photographer was commissioned for the promotion of the Norske Skog Paper Mill.

The Norske Skog paper mill at Boyer uses 100% plantation softwood to produce about 40% of the paper used in Australian news print production as well as exports. My latest assignment was to shoot a range of subjects to update and improve the quality of their existing library of photographic images.

Norske Skog have generously supplied the paper to print the upcoming ‘Day in the life of Tasmania’ series which is soon to be released as an insert in the Hobart Mercury. This is a community project showcasing the coordinated photography efforts of Tasmanian’s photo enthusiasts on Australia Day 2011.

Thank you to those who bravely fought their natural instinct to run from anyone pointing a lens at them.

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Images copyright © – Pulp and Paper Mill Photographer – Paul Redding Industrial Photographer